4 romantic kinky movies to watch with your Valentine(s)

It’s Valentine’s day on Kinkstarter. And if you don’t have anything fun planned, we got you covered! This week, we recommend 4 romantic kinky movies you can watch with your significant other(s). Or, by yourself, as you look for some kinky inspiration! Without further ado, here’s Kinkstarter’s picks for a nice romantic night in!

1. Secretary

The number one romantic Kinky movie: Secretary

Probably the most well known of all romantic kinky movies, Secretary has it all. It has movie stars in the lead (Maggy Gyllenhaal and James Spader shine in this film); unique plottwist (the wedding dress scene is iconic); and a Happily Ever After. What else could you possibly want?

Spader as the original “Mister Grey” is a brilliant alternative to Jamie Dornan as the knock-off. What he may miss in looks, he makes up for in acting talent. Secretary’s Mister Grey is the supportive and Dominant partner you never thought you needed. And that is not just because of his fondness for spanking. In addition, Gyllenhaal’s Lee is cute, quirky and extremely spank-able. And yes, you’re right, I do have minor crushes on both characters. All this is to say: this movie would work for any kinkster out there. If you want to know more about the plot, check out this earlier blogpost. Or you can just trust me when I tell you: this is one of the best kinky romantic movies you can watch on Valentine’s day.

2. Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

The number two Valentine's film on Kinkstarter: Professor Marston and the Wonder Women

Now, of course, the more-than-twos celebrate Valentine’s day as well. Whether you’re a couple fantasizing about finding your unicorn… Or a unicorn looking for a couple… Or already digging the triad/throuple life… There is a film for you too!

Professor Marston and the Wonder Women combines a romantic plot between a brilliant academic couple and the woman they fall in love with, with the kinky origins of the Wonder Woman franchise. Oh, and let’s not forget this same couple’s invention of the lie detector! The light bondage and lectures about Dominance and submission definitely make this film kinky. However, though the bondage is light, the story is not. If you like a little oomph and drama in your romantic kinky movies, this is the film for you! And if you want to learn a bit more about it first, check out this blogpost for more on the story and the kinks.

3. 9 1/2 weeks

9 1/2 weeks is the third pick for romantic kinky movies on kinkstarter

Even if you haven’t seen 9 1/2 weeks yet, chances are you have heard of the famous food scene. But more importantly, this is a great movie to watch if you’re not ready to commit to one person for longer than… say… a little under 2,5 months? Though the two movies mentioned above end with weddings and children, this one is about the beauty and heartbreak of short-term, undefined relationships.

The kink in this film is less SM than it is D/s. Tough there is some sensation and impact play, powerplay is clearly the most important kink in this relationship. This movie is the perfect portrayal of how a Dom can be completely dedicated to a partner, even if it’s just for a limited amount of time. Also, the sex scenes are completely hot. So, for the commitment-phobes, the feeders, the gentle Doms and the subs with a crush on Mickey Rourke, this is the perfect Valentine’s movie. Check out my earlier post for more about the story and some critical spankings.

4. My Awkward Sexual Adventure

I had to discuss this one last, because if I had started with it I wouldn’t have been able to recommend anything else. My awkward sexual adventure is one of my absolute favorite movies. It’s also one of the few comedic romantic kinky movies I have ever seen.

Though the actual BDSM is limited to one specific scene, the theme of this movie is sexual freedom and exploration. Which makes it kinky in my book. There’s some group sex, a stripper bar and the abuse of a cantaloupe… But the premise of a stripper teaching an accountant how to sexually satisfy his ex in the bedroom should be enough for anyone to chase this film down, right? This movie is funny, sexy, informative and romantic. Everything you need on Valentine’s day. For more on the plot check out this post.

In Conclusion

However you spend your Valentine’s day, I hope you enjoy yourself. And if you have watched any of these movies, let me know what you thought!

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