Third week of Kinktober 2020

Anyone who’s heard of Kinkstarter knows that we LOVE kinktober. In this post, I’ll give you the round up of my favorite artworks with the #kinktober, from the third week of kinktober 2020!

For those not in the know: this is what Kinktober is about.

In the month of October, artists upload a new work every day (or attempt to). The artists follow “prompts,” lists of themes with every kink imaginable. The idea is that everyone creates an artwork around the same theme. However, there are many prompt lists out there, so there is a huge variety in the themes that showed up in our timeline.

Enough introducing, let’s dive right into my favorite submissions in the first week of kinktober 2020!

Brokenpiba’s backbend

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🇦🇷ESPAÑOL: Bueeeno, decidí unirme a la lista 🗒️ que armó para el Kinktober, pero sin presión o sea que quizás dibuje más y quizás no xP La palabra para hoy es 'backbend' (que sería 'flexión hacia atrás', refiriéndose a la espalda) por lo que decidí pintar a @notcamdamage en las cuerdas de @kissmedeadlydoll No pintaba desde el año pasado a Cameron 🙀 siempre me encanta pintarle porque me inspira bocha. En un principio se suponía que iba a ser un dibujo sólo de líneas pero estaba disfrutando tanto el proceso que tuve que meterle color 🎨 . . . . 🗺️ENGLISH: Well I decided to join (without any pressure) to the #kinktober list 🧶The word for today is #backbend so I did a portrait of the gorgeous @notcamdamage (whom I hadn't painted since last year) in the ropes of @kissmedeadlydoll Cameron always inspires me 💜 I mean this was supposed to be a fast linework practice but I ended up painting it all and really enjoying the process 🥰 . . . . . #shibariart #shibari #shibaridrawing #shibaribuenosaires #shibaribondage #shibariartist #shibariargentina #shibarisuspension #shibaritattoo #shibaristudy #notcamdamage #camerondamage #shibaricommunity #shibarimania #inktober2020 #kinktober2020 #inktober #kinktobershibari #inktoberwatercolor #inktoberpen #shibarinktober #shibariinktober #camdamage #backbendpose #posturadelpuente

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Backbend indeed! And I’m glad the artist decided to paint it, because the tattooed legs really make this artwork. I love the shape of the character’s body and the casual outfit they wear. No fetish gear here, just go from living your everyday life straight to being suspended high in the air. Though I really love fetish outfits, the everydayness of this did catch my eye. I also like the positioning of the feet and the splash of red from the hair. What’s more, this artist really knows how to bring a body to life with some splashes of different colors. So yes. The design, the colorwork, the concept… I don’t think there’s anything not to love about this first image from the third week of Kinktober 2020

Bkjenkins’ Toys

Am I the only person who in their head hears “toinnnnnggg”? I really like myself a well-read artist. And I’m jealous of this bookcase. I’ve made it no secret that I love the Story of O and Sleeping Beauty, and The Ethical Slut is a must-read for anyone taking a more liberal stance towards sexuality and relationships. Also, that’s a very interesting toy collection! Not many people would take something as static as a bookcase and bring movement into it. Not many people would see the “toys” prompt and rather than going for a character decide to feature their favorite books. So, I really appreciate the concept of this image. And the execution of it is flawless. This is an awesome piece of work.

Amart.amaliarusso’s gagging

As a notorious planner, I like that this piece was made in a bullet journal. But never mind the planning-geek in me, there’s much to love about this rendition of the ever-popular ball gag. And I’m not just talking about the color scheme, that fits so well with the Kinkstarter house style (that red is gorgeous!). The plumpness of the lips.. The perfect teeth created with just a few well-placed lines.. And the shape of the ball, suggesting flexibility and pressure… I like the tension between the relaxed mouth and the shape of the gag: the character might look relaxed, but something is happening outside of our view… This close-up really tells a story. And communicating that is a skill that not many artists have mastered.’s Symmetry of Shibari

I always appreciate someone who can tell a story using just a few lines. Well, a few… Okay, an impressive amount of lines. I really appreciate the shading, and the positioning of the feet. Everything about character’s pose says “tension”, but that’s beautifully counteracted by the zen-ness of the hands and the simplicity of the background. The shading in the back and the dark chair add a lot of depth… And did I mention the feet? Yes, this is kinktober at its best.

Killa.wayra’s Outdoor Rubber Enclosure

Now, with all the lightness, one would almost forget the beauty of the night. Killa.wayra, however, knows how to balance black rubber, submission and nature. Not a small feat! The suggestion of light in the background, the mushrooms and the closed eyes of the sub make for a tranquil scene. Which might not be a surprise for people who enjoy being encased in rubber, but is a rather unique atmosphere in kinky representations of rubber fetish. But yes, the contrast between the soft background and the stark characters, all done in black and white, are beautiful and unique, putting this one in the running for my favorite artworks of Kinktober 2020.

Daandreysteyn’s Day 14

And where to start on this one… The delicate linework combined with the sharp angles in the toes and the indent made by the rope just above the ankle make this one of the more impressive and lively “sketches” (if you can still call it that) I’ve seen so far. It’s a gorgeous image that would drive any foot fetishist completely wild. And the pattern of the rope, the waver coming out of the knot and spreading out towards the toes is absolutely stunning. For an image so seemingly simple, there’s a lot going on here.

Eron_bang_me’s Sixty-Nine

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Day 14: Sixty-Nine #hawksxendeavor #kinktober2020 #kinktober

A post shared by Coby (@eron_bang_me) on

And now for something completely different. This version of “sixty-nine” is unexpectedly colorful, happy and supernatural. It’s perfect in its simplicity and manages to convey pleasure and care with just a few well-placed details. I love the positioning of the arm of the lighter skinned character and the care and attention conveyed in the blonde’s eye. Also, though both the context, act depicted and title lead you to think the kinkiness a priority, the real eyecatcher here are the wings. It threw me for a loop, and I like that.

Eveningmoon559’s Output

And last but certainly not least: output. Here, the linework in the hair and chair serve as a frame for the pale skin of the character. The chair’s design’s quite unique, as is the overall concept of this image. But what really sets this image apart is the dripping fluids, which turn this from a potential scene of torture into something very decidedly kinky. The artist wanted me to mention that the full picture can be found on their Patreon and the drawings will be on their Etsy soon.

Third week of kinktober 2020 roundup

This post, celebrating the second week of kinktober 2020, really was a collection of happy, funny and comforting artworks. Kink can be edgy and sharp and dark, yes. But it can also be about pleasure and fun! A special thanks to the artists who gave me permission to show their work, and who make this job so much fun. This really is one of my favorite months of the year. And if you want to celebrate with me, keep an eye on my instagram story (where I share my favorite submissions every day).

And if you can’t get enough, check out my earlier Kinktober posts: Kinktober 2019, the Second week of Kinktober 2020 and the First week of Kinktober 2020.

4 thoughts on “Third week of Kinktober 2020”

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  49. **Understanding the Vital Role of Cook County’s DPA in Property Tax Relief**

    Navigating the complexities of property taxes in Cook County can be overwhelming, especially for homeowners who may be struggling to understand their assessments or feel they are being overcharged. That’s where the Cook County Department of Property Assessments (DPA) comes in. Serving as a crucial resource for residents, the DPA is committed to ensuring transparency, fairness, and accessibility in property tax assessments.

    ### What is the Cook County DPA?

    The Cook County DPA is an essential arm of local government, responsible for overseeing property assessments across the county. Its primary role is to evaluate properties and assign them a fair market value, which serves as the basis for property taxes. The department’s work directly impacts the tax bills homeowners receive, making it a pivotal entity in maintaining equity within the community.

    ### How the DPA Supports Homeowners

    1. **Property Tax Appeals**: If a homeowner believes their property has been over-assessed, the DPA provides a formal appeals process. This allows residents to contest their assessments and potentially lower their property tax burden.

    2. **Exemptions and Relief Programs**: The DPA administers various exemptions and relief programs designed to reduce property tax obligations. These include exemptions for seniors, veterans, and disabled persons, as well as the general homeowner exemption, which offers significant savings.

    3. **Educational Resources**: Understanding property taxes can be daunting. The DPA offers a wealth of educational resources, including workshops, online guides, and one-on-one consultations, to help homeowners comprehend the assessment process and their tax responsibilities.

    4. **Transparency and Accessibility**: The DPA is committed to making the property tax process as transparent as possible. This includes providing easy access to property records, assessment data, and detailed explanations of how assessments are determined.

    ### The Importance of Staying Informed

    For Cook County residents, staying informed about property assessments and the role of the DPA is crucial. By understanding the services offered by the DPA, homeowners can take proactive steps to ensure their assessments are accurate and that they are taking full advantage of available exemptions and relief programs.

    Whether you’re a new homeowner in Cook County or have been living here for years, the Cook County DPA is your partner in navigating the property tax landscape. Stay informed, stay engaged, and make sure your property taxes reflect the true value of your home.

    For more information, visit the Cook County DPA website at

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