I never knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had not yet found my passion. As a child, people ask you all the time. And when you’re surrounded by people who have made up their minds about their life’s purposes, you feel embarassed. You make up stories. You lie. And you just make random decisions and make things up as you go along.

This all changed in 2015, when I found my passion. As it turns out, my passion is… passion. Surprising, isn’t it?

My BDSM passion

I love it when people’s eyes light up. I love when people lose themselves in dance, in song, in eachother. And in BDSM. I believe that BDSM is not counterculture, is not on the outskirts. BDSM desires and activities are extreme forms of “normal concepts”. It is experimenting with power, pain, pleasure… Extreme pain, extreme pleasure, extreme passion. And extreme trust. I started doing academic research on BDSM in 2015, during my master’s program. I worked with amazing scholars and learned more about people and humanity than I ever thought possible. (Check out my kink research here.)

My methodology is cultural analysis, which means I started to religiously read, watch and listen to every art product that even mentioned BDSM. So I started to build an archive, and tried to turn myself into a BDSM Wikipedia. And I realized that one of the effects of BDSM-as-taboo is that there is not really any place to discuss and share BDSM art in all its forms. So that is why I started this blog. For people who want to watch movies and read books about BDSM. Ranging from the Classics to the latest seasons of a popular tv show or beautiful (and practical) erotic jewelry, this is where I share my passion for BDSM in all its forms.


People who are interested in these things just don’t know where to find them. So here it is: a Wikipedia of recommendations and discussions for everyone who would like to read about or look at BDSM in all its forms and beauty. Read here how to make Kinkstarter work for you. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, I hope you share it. Share it because it’s fun, share it because it’s beautiful, and share it because there’s nothing to be ashamed about. Let’s start this discussion and share the passion. And while you’re at it, follow me through e-mail updates or on social media so I can let you know about my latest blogposts. Let’s trust eachother. No lies.

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