July was Classics Month on Kinkstarter, so we discussed a whole bunch of books; movies; and even a theater show…
“You will never have to do dishes.” With these words, Mickey Rourke found his way into my heart in the…
Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader first depicted a happy D/s couple in mainstream media with their 2002 movie Secretary. This…
Though the Story of O can be read as fanfiction (Pauline Réage was inspired by the Marquis de Sade), the…
Few authors have acquired as much fame as the Marquis de Sade (1740-1815). Depending who you ask, he was either…
“Before Fifty Shades of Grey there was Venus in Furs.” Or at least that is the claim of the reviewers…
Kink, porn, documentary and James Franco are not words I would expect in one sentence. However, James Franco did put his…
When the love of your life keeps falling asleep during “gentle time”, you know you’re in trouble. So what else…